
Showing posts from July, 2020

What is Peace?

It is well known that human beings pay much interest in peace from the ancient time until now.  Because the word ―peace‖, apart from being a pleasant word, also refers to the peaceful society and the beautiful world. It can be stated that peace is the greatest and highest goal or hope that everyone wishes to achieve personally and expects to be created in society and in the world. People have been trying by  all means to gain peace. Therefore history of human beings, in one aspect, is the history of searching for peace.   Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in many ways and many aspects.  .In order to have a deep understanding of the issue, it is necessary to know its true meaning. Therefore, before knowing peace in various aspects, first of all, let us know the true meaning of peace.   What is peace? The term ‗peace‘ is used in a wide sphere. It seems that peace has a variety of meanings that are different in accordance with the context of usage.     Literally, the word

Loss Deal

   Somewhere I read an incident about a retired American government official ...!  The officer received a call from the White House saying that the president wanted to see him one day. The officer immediately apologized.  When the caller asked the reason, he replied ...  "I'm going to the zoo with my granddaughter that day."  After hearing this answer, the caller said in a sour tone.  "You're giving preference toward zoo ahead of the president."  The retired officer replied softly ...  "No, I am giving priority to my granddaughter's happiness over the president ..."  When the caller asked for an explanation, the retired officer said ...!  "I'm sure the president will forget my name and my appearance as soon as I leave the White House ...!"  While my granddaughter will remember this trip for the rest of her life.  Why should I trade at a loss?  Why don't I give this time to the granddaughter who will remember my form and my nam

Dangerous Prisoner

"  Every human being and society has the full right to freedom and autonomy. " An Afghan prisoner, handcuffed and fettered, was dragged into the room by two guards, with a long wooden table in the middle of the room and chairs around it. An American with a red face was sitting in the chair on the left, and the guards sat the prisoner in front of him.  At the same time, the shackles on the prisoner's feet were locked with a steel bar attached to the table, and his hands were locked on the back of the chair. Now the black mask was removed from the prisoner's head, he opened his eyes and looked at the room, there was a third guard behind the two guards who brought him, while a fourth guard was standing in the middle of the room. The man in front of the prisoner had a bundle of papers in front of him, and he was staring at the prisoner in disgust. At that moment, a third person, who did not look American, entered the room, placed a chair next to the stareman's

To be Ungrateful is to Punish Oneself

A well-known author picked up a pen in his study and wrote on a piece of paper:  Last year, I had an operation and the tumor was removed, because of this operation in old age I had to stay in bed for several weeks.   In the same year I turned sixty and I had to retire from my favorite and most important job.  I spent thirty precious years of my life in this broadcasting company.  That same year I was shocked by the death of my father.  In the same year my son failed his medical examination due to his car accident in which he was injured and had to stay at home after plastering for several months. The destruction of the car was a separate loss.  ۔  At the bottom of the page he wrote;  Ah, what a bad year it was !!!  When the author's wife entered the room, she saw her husband staring blankly at her with a sad face.  She stood behind her husband and saw all this written on a piece of paper.  Leaving her husband alone, she quietly left.  When she returned to the same room after a whil

Low Vision

 Professor is present in the classroom as usual.  .. Professor suddenly asked the audience .. Have you seen flies dead with window grille in summer ?  Yes sir ... students answered ...  Professor: Have you considered why flies injure themselves by hitting the net and die helplessly?  Why does this happen ?  Students: Sir, they try to get out ... they bleed trying to make their way through the net and eventually die ...  Professor: Yes, maybe they should die ... but of course they should die ...  Students: What does it mean that they should probably die ?  Professor: Because they deserves death, ... because from such a life it makes death better ...  Students: Wonder ... why that Sir?  Professor: The bee whose purpose is to get out of the room .. It hits a place and loses all its abilities ... It does not see an open door in the room ...  Similarly, those who don't take advantage of the opportunity. They don't know how to fit with the situation, they can't be successful ...

The Innocent Devil

Centuries ago, an old man met the devil. The old man asked the devil, "You look like an ordinary creature, but how do you fight hundreds of thousands of people while sitting?" The devil smiled, he showed his finger to the old man.  And he said softly, "I don't fight people, this finger of mine fights." The old man asked, "How is that?" The devil said, "Walk with me to the bazaar."  He took them to a confectionery shop. He made the old man stand on one side. He dipped his finger in the confectioner's frying pan and put his finger on the wall in front of it. It became like a spot of syrup on the wall.  In a few moments, flies gathered on the spot of the sherry. A lizard was sitting on the other corner of the wall. When the lizard saw the flies, it crawled towards them. There was a cat under the confectionery stool.  And he jumped on the lizard.  Meanwhile, a minister's servant was passing by the bazaar with a dog. When the dog saw the c

Love Can Change Even Faith

About 1957, a fifty-year-old man from Turkey set up a small shop in the corner of a residential building somewhere in France.  People around him knew and called this old man "Uncle Ibrahim".  Uncle Ibrahim's shop had chocolates, ice cream and pills for children, candies besides small household items ...!  On one floor of the same building lived a Jewish family with a seven-year-old son (Jad).  Jad used to come to Uncle Ibrahim's shop almost daily to buy small household necessities.  Jad had never forgotten to steal a bar of chocolate when he found Uncle Ibrahim engaged in some other work while leaving the shop. Once Jad forgot to steal chocolate while leaving the shop.  Uncle Ibrahim called to Jad from behind and said:  "Jad ...! Won't you pick up chocolate today ...?"  Uncle Ibrahim said this out of love or friendship but more than a shock to Jad.  To this day, Jad believes that his theft was a secret, but the opposite is true.  Jad murmured to Uncle Ib

The Poor Antichrist

Allah said: You are half of the testimony. The modern woman said: I am complete. Allah said you wear full clothes, the modern woman said no I will wear half, but less than half …! This is modern religion (humanism). “There is no god but man.” That is, the man himself will decide where I am half, where I am full …? Man will determine for himself good and evil … !! Man in every sphere, in every aspect and in every matter of his life … Absolutely do not need any heavenly guidance from your Creator !! Man is his own God, Man’s soul is his God, Man is not a slave to the Creator of life and death in living his life … Rather, man is independent and free, Carrying a card in her hand, the modern woman is standing on the earth of Allah, publicly declaring rebellion against Allah Whether I am half or full … And where am I half, where is the whole …? Who is God telling me this ??? She forgot that the woman she was dancing to did not recognize her as a woman They throw it in factories, embarrass it

Sex and Sad Races

    Sigmund Freud said, “Emotions that cannot be expressed, never die, are buried alive, and then reappear in ugly ways.” You should read the books of Ghalib, Mir, Dagh, Jigar, Jun, Parveen, Wasi, and other Urdu poets. You can also analyze Google’s statistics, Pakistan will be among the countries where the practice of viewing pornographic websites is the most. Even if you travel from Khyber to Karachi, even if the woman is passing by wearing a shuttlecock burqa, the men around her will keep staring at her until she turns the corner of the street and disappears from sight. ۔ You can talk to anyone and see, after every two sentences, there will be abusive words on the genitals of mother and sister. If you listen to the statements of religious preachers and scholars, they will have shed light on the size of the ups and downs of better maidens. You will also see Pakistani dramas, novels, digests, movies, this love affair, and love affairs will be revolving around. You should read the newsp