Dangerous Prisoner

"  Every human being and society has the full right to freedom and autonomy. "

An Afghan prisoner, handcuffed and fettered, was dragged into the room by two guards, with a long wooden table in the middle of the room and chairs around it.

An American with a red face was sitting in the chair on the left, and the guards sat the prisoner in front of him.  At the same time, the shackles on the prisoner's feet were locked with a steel bar attached to the table, and his hands were locked on the back of the chair.

Now the black mask was removed from the prisoner's head, he opened his eyes and looked at the room, there was a third guard behind the two guards who brought him, while a fourth guard was standing in the middle of the room.

The man in front of the prisoner had a bundle of papers in front of him, and he was staring at the prisoner in disgust.

At that moment, a third person, who did not look American, entered the room, placed a chair next to the stareman's chair, and sat down.

The prisoner did not yet understand exactly, perhaps he wanted to meet his eyes after a long time because the mask was taken off but he was unable to do so due to his hands tied, he was just trying to get used to the atmosphere of the room. This American man grabbed the prisoner's hair tightly and turned his face towards himself.

The man was the investigator, and the man sitting next to him was leaning on the typewriter, waiting for the proceedings to begin so that he could write it down at the same time.

The American began the investigation and asked: "Where is this place?"

Prisoner: "I can't say for sure, maybe Bagram." (American airbase in Afghanistan)

American: "Who am I?"

Prisoner: "I don't know."

American: "No matter, you will know now. Look straight at me and don't be surprised, and answer my questions exactly, listen carefully to what I am saying. Keep your eyes on me."

What is your name?"

Prisoner: "Mohammad Noor."

American: "Where are you from?"

Prisoner: "Helmand" (Afghanistan’s province)

American: "From which tehsil?"

Prisoner: "Sangan" (a town of Helmand)

The prisoner noticed that the typewriter sitting next to the American was listening carefully to his answers and writing.

American: "Why were you arrested?"

Prisoner: "I don't know, ask the one who arrested me."

American: "What were you doing when you were arrested?"

Prisoner: "I was fighting when I was arrested."

American: "Well, who were you fighting with?"

Prisoner: - "With the British"

American: "I mean, when you were arrested, you were fighting with the British troops, I was right?" (British troops mean NATO and United Forces against  Afghan Taliban and Freedom fighters)

Prisoner: "Yes, that's right."

American: "Why were you fighting the British?"

American: "Why were you fighting the British?" (shouting)

Prisoner: "Ask your ancestors this question."

"Answer me thoughtfully," said the "rude" American, "you're not being interviewed here."

Prisoner: "I'm very conscious, you're an American, so go and ask your ancestors why they fought the British in the eighteenth century."

American: "Are you talking about the American War of Independence of 1770?"

Prisoner: "Yes, that's right, I was fighting the same battle where the Americans fought for freedom against the British."

The American went into deep thought, began to bite his lip, and began to roll his eyes.

Prisoner: "You look here and there as if I have said something that you do not understand."

The American replied in a low voice, "I understand you, but our war with the British government was a war of independence, because they occupied our land."

Prisoner: "Well, you are saying that Helmand is not our land, it was not occupied by the British?"

US: "There is a difference between occupying and aiding. The British, like other countries, are helping us to bring peace to Afghanistan. We want to develop your country and bring peace here, and your civilization."  Want to advance. "

"Help us? Build our country? Advanced civilization? Hmmm," the prisoner replied with a smile.  "Wow, what a historical excuse, this vain logic is two and a half hundred years old, and it was made by the British to justify invading other people and occupying their territories. But your heroes George Washington and Thomas Jefferson rejected this logic and launched an armed struggle against British civilization. And to accept this logic now means that you consider the sacrifices of your ancestors to be futile. "

The American's eyes turned red with anger, the typer also stopped, he didn't understand what to write, he looked at the interrogating American to see what he would answer now.

The investigator, who was still unable to respond to the prisoner's statement, said, "You are misunderstood and very angry. That is why you are telling such lies."

Prisoner: "No, never, I told you I was fighting foreign soldiers when I was arrested."

US: "In that case, there is no need to investigate because you have pleaded guilty."

Prisoner: "If fighting for freedom and sovereignty is a crime, then your ancestors were also guilty."

American: "Looks like you've been a history teacher."

Prisoner: "And I think you Americans are incompetent students in this field."

American: "Incompetent, why?"

Prisoner: "Because if you people remember the lesson of history, you would never have come here, because only those who did not know the history and traditions here attacked here."

American: "Enough is enough, shut your mouth or I'll shut up."

Prisoner: "You can just shut my mouth but you can't silent my people."

American: "Your people are as crazy as you, your nation only wants freedom and sovereignty. The world has developed a lot, but you still accept death in exchange for progress and sovereignty."

Prisoner: "I'm not alone in this madness, and your ancestors are with me. In 1775, your national hero Patrick Henry, speaking in Virginia, sent a message to the British government to let us choose one of the two.  “Death or freedom."

The American opened his mouth, shouted at the guards, "Put him back in jail."

The prisoner was again masked in the same manner, and the two guards dragged him back as before.

The American lit a cigarette and turned to the typist and asked, "What did you write?"

Typewriter, "I just wrote his name and place of birth."

American: "That's all?"

Typewriter: "Other than what he said could not be written."

American: "Really, his mouth was big. But I will definitely teach him a lesson."

The American took a deep breath and asked the typewriter to leave the room, then after some thought, he took the report from him.

After the typewriter left, he wrote something on a piece of paper and checked it with the report.

"Prisoner Muhammad Noor is very dangerous. If we don't kill him now, it could brainwash other prisoners," the paper said.

The next day, a panel of military judges was reviewing the report of a prisoner named Muhammad Noor. The American interrogator was also invited to share the details of the interrogation.

The investigator was sitting in a chair right in front of the chief justice, and right in front of him was a picture of Thomas Jefferson hanging over the chief justice's head, with his famous saying, "Living on this earth."  Every human being and society has the full right to freedom and autonomy. "




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