What is Peace?

It is well known that human beings pay much interest in peace from the ancient time until now.  Because the word ―peace‖, apart from being a pleasant word, also refers to the peaceful society and the beautiful world. It can be stated that peace is the greatest and highest goal or hope that everyone wishes to achieve personally and expects to be created in society and in the world. People have been trying by  all means to gain peace. Therefore history of human beings, in one aspect, is the history of searching for peace. 
 Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in many ways and many aspects. 
.In order to have a deep understanding of the issue, it is necessary to know its true meaning. Therefore, before knowing peace in various aspects, first of all, let us know the true meaning of peace.  
What is peace? The term ‗peace‘ is used in a wide sphere. It seems that peace has a variety of meanings that are different in accordance with the context of usage.    
Literally, the word ‗peace‘ is derived  from the original Latin word ‗pax‘, which  means a  pact,  a  control  or  an  agreement  to end  war  or any  dispute  and conflict  between  two people,  two  nations  or  two  antagonistic  groups of  people. 
According to the American military history, the word peace essentially means ―the absence of war. Therefore, by militaries‘ views, they fight wars to win the peace, or they use force to maintain peace. In military paradigms, peace is seen as an ultimate or ideal goal rather than a means to an end. 
However, many peace scholars do not agree with giving an emphasis on peace in the sense of an absence of war only. Peace, in their opinions, is something more meaningful, valuable and important than that. 
The meanings of peace in accordance with the peace scholars, obviously, are same in some point and different in another point depending on their personal views. Now let us see what is the meaning of peace according to books like encyclopedia, dictionary and so on. 
According to the definitions or the explanations of Wikipedia encyclopedia, peace can be a state of harmony or the absence of hostility. "Peace" can also be a non-violent way of life. "Peace" is used to describe the cessation of violent conflict. Peace can mean a state of quiet or tranquility— 
an absence of disturbance or agitation. Peace can also describe a relationship between any people characterized by respect, justice and goodwill. Peace can describe calmness, serenity, and silence. This latter understanding of peace can also pertain to an individual's sense of himself or herself, as to be "at peace" with one's own mind. 
…..According to Johan Gultung, Norwegian peace scholar, the term ‗peace‘ and ‗violence‘ are linked. Peace is the absence of violence and should be used as the social goal. Gultung further stated that like a coin peace has two sides: negative peace and positive peace. Negative peace is the absence of personal violence; positive peace is an absence of structural violence or social justice.  Generally, peace is classified into two types: Internal peace and External peace. Internal peace  is called by another word ‗inner peace‘ is peace of mind or soul. It is a state of calm, serenity and tranquility of mind that arise due to having no sufferings or mental disturbances  such as worry, anxiety, greed, desire, hatred,  ill-will ,delusion and/or other defilements.  Internal peace is peace within oneself; it is derived from practicing or training of mind of an individual. External peace is peace that occurs in society, nations and the world; it is a normal state of society, countries and the world and it is a state of peaceful and happy co-existence of people as well as nature. External peace, in order to see it clearly, can be described in its negative and positive sense as follows; In a negative sense: the absence of war, hostility, agitation, social disorder, disturbances, social injustice, social inequality, violence, violation of  human rights, riot, terrorism, ecological imbalance, etc. In Positive sense: a state of social harmony, social justice, social equality, friendship or friendly relation, concord, public order and security, respect for human rights and ecological balance, etc. 
Internal peace and external peace are interrelated. Both are interdependent and help support each other. Internal peace represents individual‘s peace while external peace represents peace in society.


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